Ivan Pozderac

Hi, my name is Ivan and I am JavaScript web developer from Osijek, Croatia.

I care about clean code and pixel perfect presentation. Until now I was member of an awesome web teams @DEPT, @AphixSoftware, @COBE and @MONO.

My current role is senior frontend developer @SoftwareSauna.

Feel free to check out my footprint on the web:


Proficient at








Travis CI








Butter CMS





Relief of the various exotic ways to handle the SVG icons in websites and projects that are based on modern JS frameworks like Vue and React. I have my own system of optimising and using icons the way it is sane and consistent so I made an npm package that I just can use in any new project without copy/pasting or reinventing the wheel. I also published the article of how I do it. You can check it out in the link below.

My role on this project: Lead Web Developer

I decided to publish it as a component so I did everything by myself.

I learned how to make Typescript npm package

Tools I used on this project:





Global client - various projects

I was working on the projects for globally recognised company - so it comes with NDA. Projects are related to different brands and there was a lot of frontend work in nextjs with adding services, logic and presentational components. The goal of the project is ability of the company to quickly rollout the brand websites.

My role on this project: Frontend developer

Working mostly in NextJS with some interaction with 3rd party API's that help us to get where we want to be with the project.

I got the hang of the NextJS on this projects and I am glad for that as I intend to keep using NextJS on new projects as well

Tools I used on this project:












Bundable project for the client

Another NDA project for the customer. Highly custom and distributable project for the 3rd parties. 3rd party should just call the library and initialise it on their website and the small app would do the rest. This project is very unique and it could help the client to raise awareness.  

My role on this project: Lead Web Developer

I was in charge of PoC that was made in Preact (which is very similar to React) and it could bundle the whole logic and representation in a single file. Challenge on this project was to keep the bundle small enough not to impact the sites they will be loaded on. 

Getting rid of dependencies and isolating the styles (so they don't leak to the site which actually implemented the bundle) was another challenge that we solved really well.

Bundling to single file has its own merits and caveats. Good planning from technological view is really important if you want to have maintainable product that any newcomer to the project can immediately start to contribute.

Tools I used on this project:






Utility-based client interactive website/portal

This is NDA project so everything I can say is that this website is interactive that works with a lot of third party API's. Data is presented and calculated in very easy to understand way, also there are some options to personalise the website experience.

My role on this project: Lead Web Developer

Taking care of the whole frontend layer, also sometimes doing backend and resolving/communicating the issues with the DevOps team, writing new modules in some exotic programming language and adding new features to the existing website. Primarily worked with XML and Vue.js but also a lot of different technologies as this project was amalgamation of different tech stacks.

I learned how to program in very obscure and exotic language that is hard to find in modern software. Also I learned that I can adapt to any challenge you throw at me.

Tools I used on this project:







Aphix PocketShop - B2B Mobile App

This app helps retail business owners to restock easier and faster. Works offline and is connected with ERP through Aphix platform.

Made with React and CouchDB for offline use. Imagine that you are in some underground cellar checking your stock and see that you have just one crate of the goods and you would like to order 5 more. You can do that over the internet but you don't have a signal! Open PocketShop, scan the barcode of the product, select the quantity and order. You can do that all over the place and once you get the stable connection, your order will be sent over internet.

My role on this project: Project Manager and Senior Frontend Developer

I planned features together with small team of developers in order to ship this app. I also developed and tested some features on the app.

From tech perspective I learned how to handle data while offline. From business perspective I perfected presentation skills and improved my pitch, plan and report skills. I also gained valuable experience in team leadership.

Tools I used on this project:










Aphix SalesRep - App for Sales representatives

App that helps sales reps sell their products on the field, has offline capabilities and is fully connected with ERP such as Sage, Intact and SAP.

My role on this project: Senior Frontend Developer

This project had a lot of legacy code that we cleaned up and refactored. I was frontend developer and worked with React on this project.

I learned how to do the proper refactor of the legacy codebase, how to integrate cucumber testing into the react app workflow. Also to be patient and to test everything twice.

Tools I used on this project:








Portfolio site

The goal of this project is to have list of projects I worked on and still am working on. Also to sum up technologies I have experience with.

My role on this project: Web Developer

I set up deploy process of the project on Netlify trough GitHub, made portfolio logic in React, pulled data from ButterCMS. Applied the minimalism styling.

This was my first (and BTW, totally great) experience with ButterCMS and Netlify. Those are two great new two things in my toolbox. I strongly advise you to at least try those tools, didn't I mention how great they are?

Tools I used on this project:






Butter CMS

Surveillance Web Project

Project is about dashboard where you can manage all the things considering video surveillance system.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

Some of my responsibilities were to configure tslint, storybook, pre-commit hooks and various other configurations on the start of the project.

On this ReactJS app I was in charge of UI that is managed through styled components, but also managed and composed components in a way that helps other developers to plug in data and methods without deep dive in component structure.

I used Storybook library that helped other developers to see the look and feel of components as well as to see how component should be implemented.

I used Jest and Enzyme for unit testing and React test library for testing UI (styled components).

Tools I used on this project:








COBE Tech website

I was part of the team that launched cobe.tech company website which was internal project. We switched our old website to static site generator GatsbyJS and connected it to Prismic headless CMS. Also some new functionalities were added such as blog, project calculator and job postings.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

My role was to set up the project from scratch and to connect GatsbyJS with Prismic data.

Tools I used on this project:






Smart product admin panel

Admin panel is connected with REST API which is central point for smart product, admin panel and mobile apps. Admin panel is used to collect statistics about the product and also to manage content that is shown in mobile apps.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

On this project I implemented UI and functionalities of an admin panel written in ReactJS. I set up this project from scratch and used Material-UI with JSS, implemented Flow for JavaScript types and added eslint.

Tools I used on this project:





Travis CI


Informational website that sells some products

Client wanted to redesign its website, so our designer came with fresh and modern design to spice up the products and to elevate user experience. Website is written with Ruby on Rails and connected to Contentful headless CMS so I had to quickly analyze and learn how the website works as I never touched Ruby on Rails before.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

I normalized existing CSS (SASS) and made changes according to the new design, also learned how Contentful works.

Tools I used on this project:




COBE is fresh website

I was part of an international team that launched cobeisfresh.com website for our company. There were several iterations of design, changes and lots of tweaks. It was internal project and we had time to refine all the things we needed.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

My responsibility was to develop needed features in JavaScript, redo some templates in Handlebars and to style them in SASS according to design.

Tools I used on this project:




Travis CI


Internal project - Admin panel for mobile apps

I was part of the team for this internal app that we were working on when we had time for it. Good sync with backend and mobile app developers was necessary to finish this project successfully.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

Admin panel codebase on this project was rather small when I joined the project but it was not flexible enough to implement new features that were requested and new design was completely different so I rewrote ReactJS admin panel with latest Material-UI, replaced SASS with JSS, added Flow library for JavaScript type checking, completely changed the structure of the project and then implemented new design and functionalities on the admin panel side of the project.

Tools I used on this project:





Travis CI


Internal project - research app

I inherited this internal, ReactJS/Redux project and made needed changes in terms of adding new functionalities and features.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

Biggest challenge was implementing Quill.js rich text formatting library with request to change and save different fonts on the same text, a Quill.js feature that was poorly documented at the time

Tools I used on this project:





Travis CI


Application centered around jobs

This app was imagined as part time jobs market where people would bid and negotiate the price of the job.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

Part of the app I was in charge was admin panel that had a lot of things that could be managed in case of dispute and other various scenarios that could happen. Admin panel is written in React with help of Material-UI and various services like axios for communicating with NodeJS REST API.

Tools I used on this project:





Travis CI




Web app for coffee bars

Web app as well as mobile apps were connected to the same backend, so people could order via mobile app while sitting in the coffee bar and waiter would know what he has to deliver and where.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

I was part of the team that was in charge of UI and React part of the web app.

Tools I used on this project:







Project for local animal shelter

Local animal shelter mobile apps had animal adoption ads, news about different causes and events and some polls, info about taking care of animals. They needed dashboard to add and change that data as needed. 

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

My part of the job was to adapt existing ReactJS codebase for new feature requests and added few new functionalities which required minor refactoring.

Tools I used on this project:






Construction Project Management Reporting Software

Project gives insights in different construction metrics that help managers to evaluate certain construction. A lot of data in means of metrics, calculations and graphs.

Project first used SQL and later MongoDB and is written in AngularJS. CSS was processed through Stylus.

My role on this project: Frontend Designer

I was in charge of styling the app and designing new features. Project was inherited and I had big role in removing almost 60% of unnecessary CSS code. After surplus code was removed I shaved of additional 5-7% of duplicated code by refactoring whole CSS codebase.   

I learned that not everyone care about code, its beauty and maintainability. Also learned that some people would like to watch clients browsers burn (RAM especially). I learned a lot as I rewrote whole CSS code base that was written in Stylus (I didn't work in Stylus before). Playing CSS golf in large applications can be interesting and daunting job at the same time, but in the end I was very satisfied that I wrote maintainable code and shrunk CSS file for more than 60%.

Tools I used on this project:





Social Network Platform for people going through separation

It is built to help people find appropriate information and advice related to divorce as well as some integrated tools that make their life easier trough divorce period.

My role on this project: Frontend Designer

My primary role was styling the app. We used SASS on this one as whole system was built with MonoX. Design was custom so we had to restyle the platform and to do some custom features that this app needed to improve overall UX.

This was mainly UI development based project for me in which I learned how to maintain and adapt HTML and CSS to monolithic app requirements.

Tools I used on this project:




BAASIC starter kits

First meet Baasic, it covers all aspects of web and mobile app development. It provides a glimpse of future of Backend as a Service (BaaS) environments.

I was part of super awesome team that is working on starter kits for showing off Baasic features. I also wrote about using app website stater kit, how I implemented MDL into blog starter kit and how to modify blog starter kit to suit your needs.

My role on this project: Frontend Developer

My role in this project was making starter kits work with Baasic. It included writing AngularJS apps and implementing requests on Baasic API. Starter kits have screens for creating and editing content as well as delete option, so I had to handle it all.

I really had to mention that this was the project i learned how to use GulpJS properly. This resulted in small 'how to' guide that later became article

I also designed one of the blog starter kits which was great experience for me where my colleagues designers thought me important lessons on design for screen as well as how to improve UX. Thanks guys, you rock!

I never done SPA before, also never written an app in JavaScript before this project. Along the way I learned to make API requests, how to use promise, how to flatten chained promises, how to handle project tooling (mainly Gulp), how to work with AngularJS as well as JSON data structure and NoSQL approach (it took me some time to transit from SQL to NoSQL mindset). I also learned where my flaws are and tried to learn as much as possible.

Tools I used on this project:







Project Go-Away

This social network was aimed at increasing student exchange rate in local student organization of AIESEC. I made design and social network was built on top of wordpress and buddypress plugin that went through some heavy changes.

It took me a month to finish this project.

Even people used it to some degree, project went down soon after launch as student exchange strategy was changed inside out so we didn't had need for student exchange social network any more.

My role on this project: Web Developer

I did everything from branding, design, coding, optimizing to devOps that thing to the server. I learned a lot during that project, and even if it is not alive anymore, it is one of my first projects that I did alone and learned a lot of stuff along the way.

I learned how WordPress works, how to make child theme (so we don't break up our theme when parent theme gets updated). Learn some other WordPress stuff like deploying the solution and checking out what kind of support I need from server for my app and plugins to work .

Tools I used on this project:




*web developer